Thursday 20 June 2013

Little Kitchen 2

The dinner tonight is to celebrate a friend who is leaving for work secondment in Melbourne, Australia. I got the chance to met him during my visit to America back in 2001, visiting my best friend who was  studying in Minnesota. After years gone by , we are still keeping in touch and to mark his farewell I decided to host a dinner party. He did request (more of a threat) that he has not a chance to try my nasi briyani. So, no surprise in the menu. As requested briyani with ayam masak merah, kari daging and acar buah is cooked within 2 hours.

Home cooked food with love (effort is needed)
Royal Doulton Platinum collection for the American educated guests. They are so used to Corelle so need to bring in something different to impress.

Jelatah or acar buah
The guests arrived at 8.30pm and dinner ends at 11.30pm. A lot of laughter, teasing, interrogation work successfully completed. I wish you all the best Izrin! I need to start saving up for my trip to Melbourne and Great Barrier Reef....


  1. Wow, dear! You've just started the blog but it's already like a magnet to me.. Can't wait for another post.. Like the Lil' Kitchen idea very much.. keep on writing!

  2. Muni dear, yup finally writing a blog. I need to get some more inspiration for Little Kitchen... Question- how do I make my pic in a 'collage' form?
